Cursos In house

¿Te interesa llevar alguno de nuestros cursos a tu empresa? Los mejores cursos #Agile y #Scrum están disponibles en formato In house. Solo llena el siguiente formulario, selecciona el o los cursos de tu interés y te contactaremos

    Scrum Fundations (4h)Certified ScrumMaster (16h)Certified Scrum Product Owner (16h)Advanced Certified ScrumMaster (16h)Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner (16h)Certified LeSS Basics (8h)Scrum@Scale (16h)Certified Agile Leadership I (16h)Team Kanban Practitioner (8h)Kanban System Design (16h)Kanban Systems Improvement (20h)Lean Change Management (16h)Management 3.0 (16h)Sociocracia 3.0 (8h)Agile Team Facilitation (16h)Visual Thinking for Business (16h)Training from the back of the room (16h)Product Discovery for Agile Business (8h)Lean Startup (16h)

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